Annual Report 2019-2020

11 E F L I N G A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 New Organizing and Development Department was established and Anna Gunnhildur Ólafsdóttir was hired as its director. She was previously the director of The Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp). The department is responsible for public relations, educa- tion and organizing work, such as for instance relations with the union representatives. Sylvía Ólafsdóttir was employed as a director of the Department of Contract Compliance, however the projects of the department remained mostly unaffected by the organizational changes. During the change process two new departments were created - Department of Management headed by the CFO Óskar Örn Ágústsson and Department of Office and HR headed by Berglind Rós Gunnarsdóttir. The two departments are core departments and operate across all other departments. Additionally, the Office of the Chairman was established, which deals with various tasks for the chairman, research, workplace inspections and more. The office of Efling Union underwent organizational changes on 2 September 2019. The goal of the changes was to improve the internal procedures as well as to enhance the service for the members. The changes mostly focused on task division between depart- ments, but new departments were also created, while some departments merged. This led to changes in the management team of Efling. Before the organizational changes were introduced, they had been presented and approved by the board of the union. In the process of changes, Ingibjörg Ólafsdóttir, previously the director of VIRK services at Efling, took the position of the director of the new Service Department. The service department is responsible for reception services, for processing grant applica- tions to the union funds and for the VIRK rehabilita- tion service for Efling members. Large proportion of the Efling office operation revolves around receiving and processing applications to the recreational, edu- cation and sickness funds. With the changes, these projects have become integrated. Organizational Changes Improvements in services for members Board of Efling Chairman: Sólveig Anna Jónsdóttir Vice chairman: Agnieszka Ewa Ziolkowska General Manager Viðar Þorsteinsson Organizing and develop- ment department Anna Gunnhildur Ólafsdóttir Ofiice of the chairman Service department Ingibjörg Ólafsdóttir Department of contract compliance Sylvía Ólafsdóttir Department of office and human resources Berglind Rós Gunnarsdóttir Office manager • Office managment • Staff affairs • Archiving and IT Department of management Óskar Örn Ágústsson Finance manager • Finances and accounting • Fund management • Management of summer houses • Collective bargaining • Policy planning • Elections, boards and councils • Research • Engagement with partners and opposing parties • Workplace inspections • Reception • Applications for grants and registration of rights • VIRK consultants • The union representative system and workplace meetings • PR and media • Courses for members • Social activity • Wage claims and upholding rights