Annual Report 2019-2020

15 E F L I N G A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 is the inverse of the gender ratio within the union. The most common age range of applicants was 30-39 years, followed by 40-49 years. Count of tjodnr. Sickness benefits Age groups 2K 0K 20-29 30-29 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 and older Under 20 FUND Reykjavíkurborg Kópavogur/Seltj.nes Flóamennt Starfsafl TOTAL SUM NUMB. OF GRANTS 34,310,876 3,505,432 32,642,416 155,959,799 226,418,523 580 54 619 2,752 4,005 The financial standing of the sickness ben- efits funds (the private and public sectors and relief fund). The sickness benefits fund of Efling in the open labor market ran a deficit of capital gains for the first time ever. Nevertheless, its standing is still good. The fam- ily- and support fund for members in the open labor market has also run a deficit, as in the past few years. This is a matter of some concern and is being examined by the board of the fund. The support fund is a special fund under the auspices of the sickness benefits fund, which takes in 5% of the premiums of the other two funds. This fund is used for special projects and in the past few years grants to members on the unemployment roll have come from it. The support fund was run with a surplus, although payouts from the fund have increased considerably from one year to the next. Further infor- mation on the financial standing of the funds is avail- able in the annual financial statement of Efling. EDUCATIONAL FUND In 2019, a total of 4005 individual grants were allo- cated from the educational funds of Efling, as opposed to 3774 in 2018. In total, 2752 individual grants were paid out in the private sector and 1253 individual grants in the public sector. The total sum paid out was 226,418,523 krona in 2019, as opposed to 205,560,057 krona in the year 2018. Union members of foreign origin comprise 48% of those who apply for grants from the educational fund and the ratio is similar as in the year before. Here the number of grants is broken down by the applicant’s country of origin. The figure above illustrates that most of those who apply for educational grants are aged between 20 to 29 years. Fjöldi styrkja skipt niður á upprunaland styrkþega Iceland 152 144 91 77 58 55 Poland Other countries Lithuania Philippines Vietnam Thailand Latvia Spain 2080 689 628 RECREATIONAL FUND Within the service department there are service rep- resentatives processing the cases of union members relating to the recreational fund of Efling. The service representatives receive union members and answer questions related to vacation funds via telephone and email. The fund’s service representatives process bookings for vacation houses, receive payments and handle the making of contracts. Additionally, the ser- vice department handles entirely the selling of fishing cards, camping cards and Icelandair gift cards. Further coverage of vacation houses, construction, maintenance and the general upkeep of vacation houses is available in the coverage of the management department in the annual report. VIRK RÁÐGJAFAR HJÁ EFLINGU VIRK counselors for Efling in the year 2019 numbered eight. The purpose of their services is to assist the members of Efling, help them rehabilitate and rejoin the labor market after an illness or accident. The number of new and discharged Efling members serviced by the VIRK counselors of Efling