Annual Report 2019-2020
35 E F L I N G A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 1 9 – 2 0 2 0 THE FAMILY- AND SUPPORT FUND Contractual premiums into the family- and supp- ort fund amount to 0,75% of the contribution of employers. Benefits were higher than premiums last year, while they amounted to 97% of premiums in the previous year and 87% in 2017. The equity of the family- and support fund amounted to 254 million kronas in 2019 and had decreased by 7,5% since the start of the year. THE SUPPORT FUND The premiums of the support fund amount to 5% of the collected premiums from the sickness benefits fund and the family- and support fund. Benefits and grants from the fund in the year 2019 amounted to 69% but amounted to 46% in the previous year. The equity of the support fund amounted to 192 million kronas at the end of 2019, increasing by 9,3% since the start of the year. THE REHABILITATION FUND The operation of this fund of Efling is one of the main pillars in the enormous undertaking of decreasing the burden of disability among union members. The dem- and for job rehabilitation has increased steadily in the past few years and it is likely that this operation might decrease the demand for payouts from the sickness benefits funds and pension funds. This fund is not run with the aim of accumulating funds. THE VACATION FUND The contractual premiums of the vacation fund amount to something between 0,25% - 0,33% of the contri- bution of employers. Also, the vacation fund has income from renting out vacation houses. The equity of the vacation fund, which is mostly bound up in vacation houses and vacation house neighbor- hoods, amounted to 1,8 billion kronas at the end of 2019, increasing by 3,1% since the beginning of the year. EMPLOYERS The number of employers who contribute to the union on behalf of their staff continues to grow from one year to the other and they numbered 3467 in total in the year 2019 in contrast with 3427 in the previous year. THE UNION FUND The premiums of the union fund amounted to 0,7% of all wages. Of those premiums, 15% go into the labor dispute fund and 6% into the educational fund. The equity of the general fund amounted to over 2,3 billion kronas at the end of 2019 and increased by 2% since the start of the year. THE LABOR DISPUTE FUND The labor dispute fund receives 15% of the premiums of the union fund and thus it may be said that 0,1% of all wages flows into it. The equity of the labor dispute fund amounted to over 3 billion kronas at the end of 2019 and rose by 7,3% since the start of the year. THE EDUCATIONAL FUND The educational fund receives 6% of the collected premiums of the union fund and thus it may be said that 0,04% of all wages flows into it. The equity of the educational fund amounted to almost 202 million kronas by the end of 2019 and decreased by 2,1% since the start of the year. THE SICKNESS BENEFITS FUND Contractual premiums into the sickness benefits fund amount to 1% of the contribution of employers. The proportion of benefits from premium incomes amounted to 97% in 2019, rising considerably from the previous year when it was almost 89%. This proportion was 75% in 2017. The equity of the sickness benefits fund amounted to 5,4 billion at the end of 2019 and had increased by 3% since the start of the year.
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