Fræðslublað Eflingar

Last but not least, Fríða Rós says that she is particularly excit- ed to be starting choral training within Efling. “I foresee a lot of fun and beauty in having the choir of the working class singing during rallies, for example, on May 1 st . I can hardly wait for the first gig.” Members in the forefront Fríða Rós says that the education program will be based on what union members want to learn and which skills they want to improve. “I see my work as that of an intermediary in organizing the education program based on the educational needs of the members. Therefore I look for ideas from the members themselves. Ideas and suggestions may be sent by email to, and the more ideas and pointers, the better,” she says. Fríða Rós says that it will take her time to compose an educa- tion program based on the needs and interests of Efling members, but she is undaunted. “I like to think big, look at the whole picture and see all available possibilities - from meet- ing a consultant regarding physical activities, job searches, professional misconduct and computer skills to courses in bridge, genealogy or table tennis. The long term plan is to strengthen the solidarity and social awareness of the members.” “I see my work as that of an intermediary in organizing the education program based on the education need of the members” FRÆÐSLUBLAÐ EFLINGAR-STÉTTARFÉLAGS 5