Fræðslublað Eflingar

FRÆÐSLUBLAÐ EFLINGAR-STÉTTARFÉLAGS 7 Efling emphasizes increasing workplace democracy, offer- ing education on wages and social affairs while providing the most up to date information to its members. The union offers its members numerous training courses, workplace visits and assistance in making workplace agreemements and electing union representitives. Union representatives play a vital role in the workplace. They act as the voice of their colleagues in making demands and safeguarding their profession in negotiation committees. Every workplace with five or more employees should have a union representitive. A union representative is a general work- er elected to the position by a simple majority and has layoff protection. The union representative acts as the eyes and ears of the union within the workplace to ensure that the collective agreements are respected and the rights of employees are not violated. Union representatives are elected for a term of two years and must take four courses, two during the first year and two during the second year. At these courses, union representatives recieve not only train- ing regarding rights, obligations and collective agreements, but are also empowered to influence decision making in their The importance of union representatives and education workplaces and to help them deal with any problems that may arise. The union representatives are instructed on how to encour- age their colleagues to solve problems together and increase workplace democracy. The courses are structured in a manner that is inclusive to all union representatives, regardless of origin, profession or gender. The courses are taught in both English and Icelandic and may be translated into other languages if necessary. In addition to courses, there are a variety of others available for union representatives. They can include everything from the introduction of new collective agreements and changes in rights to lectures on reading payslips, bargaining techniques and empowerment. Efling’s representatives can always rely on the union if they need guidance or other assistance. If there is no union representative at your workplace, get in touch with our office for assistance in organizing elections for one. Please send an email to or contact us by phone at 510 7500. • Kosning trúnaðarmanns á vinnustað • Trúnaðarmenn afhenda borgarstjóra undirskriftarlista • Á vorfundi trúnaðarmanna • Election of union representatives in the workplace • Union representatives hand over a petition to the mayor • The spring meeting of union representatives