Orlofsblað Eflingar Sumarið 2021

ORLOFSBLAÐ EFLINGAR-STÉTTARFÉLAGS 7 right mind would have thought that the working class would give up the struggle for its interests just because its unions were bound by unjust laws ...” 1942 The guerilla warfare , as it has come to be known, began when the dock workers at Eimskip decided amongst them- selves to refuse to work until the company agreed to their demands. Afterwards, Vinnuveitendafélagið (Confederation of Icelandic Employers) issued a blacklist with their names, calling for the exclusion of those men from all employment within companies represented by the confederation. Dags- brún responded by stating that if the list were not recalled, all workers at the member companies of the confederation would go on strike. That’s when the Eimskip corporation admitted defeat and agreed to the demands of the workers. This great victory of the dock workers at Eimskip greatly encouraged other workers. Working people all over the country came together to strike at workplaces which failed to meet their demands for improved wages. These actions were initiated by the workers themselves and were based on their solidarity. The right to a vacation was insured as the guerilla warfare came to an end with the total victory of the workers, who signed a new agreement, which stipulated many improve- ments in rights and wages, among other things the right to a vacation and the 8-hour workday. 1943 Dagsbrún purchases a piece of land in the vicinity of Stóra- Fljót by Biskupstungur, “one of the most beautiful locations in the country” where the plan was to build a rest home for workers in Iceland. Thus, Dagsbrún wanted to “double the value” of the newly acquired vacation rights by enabling union members and their families to travel the country, making the most of their vacation. 1946 At the 40 th anniversary of Dagsbrún, there is an advertis- ment in the media where Icelanders are encouraged to purchase lottery tickets to support the building of the rest home: “Dear countrymen. Thus, we present Dagsbrún with the birthday present of the basis for a first-rate rest home for workers, a watershed moment in the cultural history of Iceland.” Nothing came of the building of the rest home in question, but a project was launched to build vacation hous- es for union members all over the country which we are all able to enjoy, even to this day. 2000 The idea of building houses in this piece of land which was now owned by Efling are reawakened. The staff of the recreational fund of Efling are taken on countless trips there, along with architects and designers, where the land was thoroughly examined, and work was begun on finding out how the magnificent view in the area could best be captured from the houses. 2021 The summer houses at Stóra Fljót is the largest project ever undertaken by the recreational fund of Efling. Twelve large and elegant buildings are now being built there, designed especially to meet the needs of the union’s members. It’s fair to say that the members of Efling and their families can stay there “in the bosom of the wondrous beauty of Icelandic nature,” to quote the pioneers of the project, and fully enjoy their precious vacation rights. Efling would like to extend to its members wishes for rest and joy in the union’s vacation houses this summer. Then we’ll meet in the autumn, rested and ready to keep fighting together for a better society. Góð mynd segir meira en þúsund orð! Efling efnir til ljósmyndasamkeppni meðal félagsmanna sinna. Myndirnar eiga að endurspegla orlof/frí innanlands og því tilvalið að nota sumarbústaðaferðina til myndatöku. Félagsmenn verða að vera búnir að skila inn myndum í síðasta lagi 31. ágúst 2021. Skila þarf inn mynd á netfangið efling@efling.is með smá lýsingu um myndefnið og nafni þátttakanda ásamt símanúmeri. Í vinning er 25.000 kr. og verður myndin birt í miðlum Eflingar. Dómnefnd mun velja vinningshafa. Tilkynnt verður um vinningshafa þann 10. september 2021. A good picture says more than a thousand words! Efling invites its members to participate in a photo contest. The pictures should reflect a vacation in Iceland and therefore ideal to use the summerhouses for a photo shoot. Ljósmyndasamkeppni Eflingar Efling’s Photo Contest Members must have submitted the photos by August 31 st , 2021 at the latest. You must send the photo via e-mail at efling@efling.is with a small description of the subject, the participant’s name and a telephone number. The prize is 25.000 kronas and will the photo be published in Efling’s media. A panel of judges will select the winner. Winners will be announced on September 10 th 2021.