Fréttablað Eflingar 4. tbl. 2018

17 F R É T TA B L AÐ E F L I N G A R - S T É T TA R F É L AG S Orlofsmál Efling is offering the members of the union a day trip to Þórsmörk. We will spend a whole day exploring the wonderful nature in Þórsmörk, the heart of the highlands in the south of the country. There is still availability to book for the day trip on 1st of September which is the second date. The first trip on 25th of August is almost fully booked. The journey starts at Sætún/Guðrúnartún 1 at exactly 08:15. We ask people who are going on the trip to arrive no later than 08:00. We expect to come back at about 20:00. Participants must bring their own lunches, warm clothing and appropriate outdoor clothing and good shoes. Members of Efling may invite one guest with them. The price is only 6.000 kr. for each person. Including in the price is the bus, a tour guide and light dinner that will be served in the late afternoon in Þórsmörk. You can book now at Eflings office, the phone number is 510 7500 or by e-mail, at the e-mail address with your name, personal id number (kennitala) and phone number. Day trips 25th of August and 1st of September Book a day trip to Þórsmörk Ljósm. Þorfinnur Sigurgeirsson Eitt kort 34 vötn 7.900 kr Frelsi til að veiða! 00000 Nýttu þér sérkjör á skrifstofu eða orlofsvef fyrir félagsmenn.