SAGA SHOP - Haust I Fall 2019

Icelandair Stopover 15 Icelandic New Year is a winning combination of delicious food, family togetherness, and the timeless joy of blowing things up. To celebrate like a local, start your evening with a special meal, then around 8:30 pm it’s time to take a stroll to the nearest bonfire. As the evening progresses, you’ll hear the gleeful bangs of fireworks as kids get impatient for midnight—except for a quiet hour at 10:30 pm, as the whole nation tunes into the TV show Áramótaskaupið , a satirical review of the year’s events. Then when the clock strikes 12, it’s on: over 500 tons of fireworks are unleashed, blanketing skies in a frenzy of light and color. The local Search and Rescue teams sell fireworks in the lead up to New Year’s Eve as a fundraiser for their much- loved organization, so Icelanders buy up big, and it shows. Rug up warm to watch the glit- tering illumination of the capital from atop Öskjuhlíð hill, or by Hallgrímskirkja (pictured). BY CAROLYN BAIN AND SARAH DEARNE. PHOTO BY RAGNAR TH. SIGURÐSSON / VISIT REYKJAVÍK. PYROTECHNIC PARTY NIGHT n Reykjavík