Orlofsblað Eflingar Sumarið 2021

ORLOFSBLAÐ EFLINGAR-STÉTTARFÉLAGS 41 Are you going to apply for a vacation house this summer? Allocation system and booking of summer houses Allocation periods are two, for Easter and summer. The rental period over Easter is one week from Wednesday to Wednesday and the summer period is 13 weeks, from the last Friday in May to the last Friday in August. Applications must be submitted during the advertised application periods. The applications are evaluated using a special system of points which is based on how long the member has been paying dues in the union. Information on application periods and allocations is presented at the beginning of the year on Efling’s website. The day of application does not matter, as the allocations will be decided basing on the points system. Note that the point balance only serves to prioritize applicants during the allocation process. They do not serve as payment . Those who are eligible for allocation can apply during the application period of March 2 nd to March 22 nd are union members with 200 points or more. Allocation is March 25 th and payment deadline is April 7 th . Responses to applications will be sent via email after the allocation has taken place. Remember to register an email address on the booking web and make sure that the address is correct. An email address may be registered or updated on the booking web. After the application period has ended, the union members can book the houses which are still available. The booking web is opened in stages: For members with 100 points or more it opens on April 12. Payment needs to take place immediately. Next, it opens for members with 1 point or more on April 15. Payment needs to take place immediately . Finally, for all members, irrespective of point status, it opens on April 20. • Over the summer, the only option is to rent for one week – from one Friday to the next. Read up on arrival- and departure-times on the rental agreement. • Note that points are deducted when renting for the summer and Easter but not during the winter. Book on the web The booking web of Efling is easy to use and now union members must have access to it in order to apply for a house in the summertime allocation. There you can see the history of premium payments, stat- us of points, booking history, the rental agreement, fill out applications when they open and book and pay available summer houses directly. The booking web is on Efling’s page www.efling.is The booking web is now on My page at Efling’s webpage and you must log in there with electronic ID. Those who do not have an electronic ID need to contact the office and receive instructions via e-mail orlof@efling.is To apply for a vacation house in an allocation, you need to select summer house (orlofshús) and then the application (umsókn) , fill in and click on register application (skrá umsókn) . To book a summer house directly, select vacant summer house (laus orlofshús) . There you can see what is available and book and pay. This can be done when allocation periods are finished and during the winter. Further information on the vacation houses is available on the website of Efling: www.efling.is/sumarhus The web is closed off from all except union members and certain conditions must be met before accessing it, such as minimum age and membership history. Please note that the system may require union members to contact the office to book if they fail to meet the criteria for web access.